It has become a tradition that B4Plastics is introduced to young students of 18 in Belgium, that make up their mind to choose their high school education. In this year’s event (2021.02.02), “a job in the bio-economy” is reflected in an attractive way by B4Plastics’ founder Stefaan De Wildeman in an online session. As a demo case, VIPRISCAR is presented, to show the students how world innovations in the bio-economy find their existence: by partnering the synergetic companies and knowledge institutes, it becomes possible to substitute many elements of the old fossil plastic economy. In the case of VIPRISCAR, the goal is to develop a whole new range of coatings and adhesives, to build and decorate the houses of the future. B4Plastics took up the role of upscale company: make the first 100-kg of a new building block, derived from local sugar waste sources. More local and green is difficult to make. As an ambassador of the European innovation ecosystem, Stefaan De Wildeman shows the VIPRISCAR work to do and the opportunities to create for the generation that will have to continue the work, to keep the planet a livable home.